Embracing the power of words has sent me down a trail of seeking for more. Thoughts have become more than passing dreams or impressions--they are becoming the motive to shape my world. And words are distinctly my weapon of choice to achieve my hopes. But--maybe there is one step further into revelation I must journey -- allowing words to become tools not weapons.
Why do I view words as a "weapons" of choice? Am I a person on defense, not understanding the power of His resurrection? Have words become my shield not sword? Has the power of words be relegated to the belief I am the tail...not the head?
We all know that sticks and stones do break bones, but worse yet words can ever hurt you. My words can be dangerous -- they have direct impact. In the circle of friends I run in, we love to joke and play around with words, but every so often the tone of the conversation will momentarily change and someone will say, "don't speak that over yourself." Why at one comment out of a hundred, in the midst of fun and intimate banter, would we stop one another from speaking certain words? There must be something more riding on our words. We recognize the power of death, but have we not pushed in along enough to witness the power of life?
What if words become tools to craft heaven on earth; what if words become the paint brushes to color the realities of the world; what if words took the offense and spent more time shaping than redefining; what if words set me free instead of coercing me into submission.
Out of the heart the mouth speaks. Does it come down to who does He say that I am? A solider fighting my way to the heavenly gates or the co-heir seated in heavenly places? A sinner saved by grace or a saint that was saved by His love and mercy through grace?