Authentic in word and action...
I am convinced the threat against unity is the lack of authenticity. Unity is a beautiful picture of one's power, authority, and love embracing another person in all of their power, authority and love. Thus unity must be a product of honor. Where there is no honor there is no unity.
The greatest display of unity is the Godhead. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Living to submit to one another, never offending, never exerting authority, and never withholding. Displays of glory never pointing to self but rather pointing to the other.
The Godhead has nothing to hide. Nothing to prove. No greater success to achieve. The Godhead simply lives to have relationship.
If we are to live out God's glory on earth, and re-present heaven then unity among His people must be found. For unity is the product of honor. Honor comes from recognizing the God within another and giving it value.
To achieve honor we must achieve authenticity. Authenticity is rooted is safety of being known and accepted for who you are. We are plagued with wounds and belief systems that undermine the freedom given to us in Christ. Our identity as sons of God should cause us to be servant's of all and lovers of our enemies. Honor does not mean I give my power, authority and love means I use all three to magnify Christ in you. Honor is the most empowering currency within the Kingdom.
Yet, we hide behind walls, temper our words to be more palatable for other's insecurities, spin plates of good works to distract from the foundational character cracks. We lose...we hinder ourselves.
I am hungry for authenticity. I desire to to run with a community of believers captivated by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The "beloved unveiled" takes one more step closer to being free. Authenticity is key.
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